A sign that is going to tell you that you might be an alcoholic is if you do not stop drinking or if you exhibit no control over the amount of alcohol you drink. The fact that you have no control over the amount of alcohol you take is an important indicator that you have a drinking problem. The fact that your drinking is done to bring you an effect suggests that you are probably addicted. Alcoholics drink for effects.
Experiencing severe hangovers once you have stopped drinking indicates that you are in the alcoholic's category. Such withdrawal symptoms include sweating, anxiety, feeling sick to your stomach and tremors. Spending all of your time drinking and in rehab facilities recovering indicates that you have an addiction to alcohol. You may also recognize that you are an alcoholic when you give up other responsibilties so that you can drink. When you are constantly drinking, even when it hurts your relationships and causes health problems, then you are probably experiencing alcohol addiction.
Other signs of alcohol addiction include experiencing a strong compulsion to drink and drinking immediately upon waking to do away with alcohol withdrawal symptoms. People who are alcoholics often organize their entire daily routine around alcohol consumption. If you feel remorse after drinking alcohol, you are probably addicted to the substance. Changing what you typically drink, like switching between alcoholic drinks in the hope that changing drinks will help you in cutting alcohol consumption, indicates that you are an alcoholic.
People that have an alcohol problem rationalize their drinking. They also do things that hide their drinking, including buying alcoholic drinks at different stores. People that are addicted to alcohol continually obsess that they might not get enough alcohol for the weekend or evening. Continuing to experience physical signs of alcoholism, like weight loss, a sore stomach and redness of the cheeks and nose, indicate that you are likely an alcoholic.
You should remember that alcoholism symptoms in teens and children are very different from those of adults. Alcoholism is a serious problem in society that should be handled carefully and professionally. When you realize you are an alcoholic, you should not give up hope. There are strategies that have been employed by other people that are going to prove effective on you in conquering alcoholism. It is best to seek help and treatment before you deeply sink into alcohol dependency because you are going to be able to recover quickly.
Jennifer Poteat provides information on the signs and symptoms of alcohol addiction in family and friends. For additional information, check out: http://addictedtoalcohol.net/
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