Saturday, May 19, 2012

Disposing of Your Computers and Hardware Properly

The time w?ll eventually come when you or your business has t? g?t rid ?f the computer t? make room for th? new one. The big question that i? ?ften asked though, is h?w ?nd where. This ??n range fr?m recycling to donating the computer towards ?n organization ?r charity. However befor? y?u make ??ur decision, y?u should ?lso ??ns?d?r wh?t ??u ar? g?tt?ng rid of.

Consider th? Data ?n Your Hard Drive
Whenever you delete someth?ng off of th? hard drive by throwing it ?w?y in th? recycle bin ?t ?s n?t technically deleted. What h?p??ns is that th? file i? dumped into ? section of th? hard drive kn?wn as "unallocated space." The file will remain th?r? until it ?? overwritten b? a process, or an?ther file b?ing written ?v?r it. You can think ?f it ?s y?ur hard drive being a giant phone book w?th the pages ?s the files. If som?one tears ?ut ? page ?f the phone book it d?e? n?t m?an th?t th? numbers that wer? ?n th?t page w?ll stop working. Whenever ??u dispose ?f ??ur computer y?u sh?uld e?ther h?v? the drive physically destroyed, or u?? ? program t? wipe the entire hard drive. These programs go thr?ugh ?nd overwrite th? data ?n the hard drive multiple times, thus destroying an? information contained ?n it.

Donating Your Computer t? ?n Organization or Charity
This i? ?robably th? b??t u?e ?f ??ur old computer. Not only ?s the donation tax refundable, but you ?re providing hel? t? s?me of these organizations who ?r? oft?n struggling for funds. Just b? ?ur? that b?f?r? y?u donate ?t that ?ou h?v? deleted all of th? data from th? hard drive ?f th? machine.

Recycling Your Old Computer
This ?s ?n? ?f the m?re attractive options for th??? computers that ?r? too ?ld t? b? ?f any use, ?ven when donated, ?r ?n?? that d? not work anymore. Computers ?nd the?r components ?r? full of heavy ?nd precious metals l?ke gold or lead. They are cont??n oth?r components that ar? v?r? harmful and c?n b? dangerous ?hould th? th??r base chemicals make th?ir way d?wn into the local groundwater system. Most computer manufacturers w?ll recycle ?ld equipment when you buy ? n?w computer fr?m them. Check w?th the manufacturer of y?ur n?w machine to see ?f the? will t?k? yours. Otherwise th? Environmental Protection Agency ?? alw?ys w?ll?ng t? provide you w?th information on where to dispose of ??ur computer.

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