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The?Community Spotlight?features some of the best unedited articles that didn't quite make the front page.This week, we refuse to stay with our video-game tour group, reject the imbibing of our in-game characters, review what we know about the Unreal Engine 4, and more. Join us!
Stop making tour guides in video games
By Alexander Kraus
Alexander is sick of being told what to do. He acknowledges that gamers need motivation, but that it must be carefully crafted to appeal to the player. His favorite method? Stealing your stuff, a la Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
How being a teetotaler inspired my first immersive gaming moment
By Justin Davis
Lots of video games feature illicit substances, and some even allow players to partake (via their characters, of course). But Justin chose, in real life as well as in-game, not to do so...until a mission in Borderlands 2 took the decision out of his hands. Interesting take, no matter what your poison is.
Unreal Engine 4 might be bested by Square Enix engine
By Edward Varnell
Based on their appearances at this year's E3 convention, Edward examines the status of two of the biggest upcoming graphical engines. "I hate to admit this," he writes, "but (SE's engine) looks so much better though, half of developers would use UE4 or their own."What do you think?
Gaming's greatest 'epic misquotes'
By Nick Pino
Ever seen those Internet mash-up images that basically exist to piss off nerds and fanboys? (Like this one, for example.) Nick has made a few aimed at gamers. See if they get your hackles up.
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By Agence France-Presse
Friday, September 28, 2012 19:00 EDT
US regulators voted Friday to begin a process to reallocate some of the broadcast spectrum to meet surging demand from smartphones, tablets and other devices that use the wireless Internet.
The Federal Communications Commission formally approved the plan to launch so-called incentive auctions, which will allow broadcasters to sell off some of their spectrum rights to mobile broadband operators starting in 2014.
?This is a big deal,? FCC chairman Julius Genachowski said.
?Today, the US becomes the first nation in the world to launch incentive auctions? for mobile broadband, he said, adding that this would make available portions of prime ?beachfront spectrum? for these uses.
The move comes with the United States and other nations bracing for a data crunch from the surging use of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, clogging the radio spectrum allocated for mobile broadband.
Officials say that as mobile broadband is surging, broadcasters need less spectrum because fewer viewers watch over-the-air television.
The concept is part of the National Broadband Plan to spur wireless Internet, and the ideas are embraced in legislation that was signed into law in February 2012, the FCC noted.
The FCC said action is needed to avert a crunch that will slow down or disconnect mobile devices.
?Today?s smartphones use 35 times more spectrum than traditional cell phones, and tablets use 121 times as much spectrum,? the FCC statement said.
?This consumer demand puts a tremendous strain on the nation?s invisible infrastructure in ways that require innovative new approaches to spectrum policy in order to spur continued economic growth, and help maintain America?s global leadership in mobile.?
The statement said the auctions would ?unleash a wave of economic innovation opportunities? for the United States while relying on market forces to determine the use of spectrum.
?This incentive auction is expected to deliver enormous benefits for the American people and the US economy,? the statement said.
?The mobile apps economy barely existed in 2009 but today, it supports nearly 500,000 jobs. The wireless industry contributes about $150 billion annually to US GDP and that number is growing.?
A statement from the CTIA-The Wireless Association, which represents mobile carriers, hailed the FCC move.
The action is ?an important step toward alleviating the looming spectrum crisis that we?ve been warning policymakers about for the last three years,? said CTIA president and chief executive Steve Largent.
?Since spectrum is a finite resource, we?re pleased the Commission has begun the process of establishing the rules that will fulfill the goals of the recently adopted, bipartisan spectrum legislation,? he said.
But Largent added it is crucial not to allow the process to get bogged down.
?In order to maintain our global leadership in the mobile ecosystem, we must ensure that this spectrum is brought to market more quickly than the almost 10 years it took to bring the last two spectrum blocks to market,? he said.
The European Union is mulling a similar effort to reallocate spectrum.
[Image via Agence France-Presse]
Source: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/09/28/fcc-launches-effort-to-ease-spectrum-crunch/
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Shortage of Engineers Is Causing 'Crisis' In Tech Industry
Source: FastCompany
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Friday, Sep 28, 2012, 8:06am
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Source: http://www.labspaces.net/123962/Shortage_of_Engineers_Is_Causing__Crisis__In_Tech_Industry
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Sep 28, 2012
Erin Roberts
The seventh annual Scripps Day, hosted by the Scripps Howard Foundation and the Scripps College of Communication, will take place on the Ohio University campus Oct. 2, 2012.
Highlights of the day, in relation to the theme ?Challenges and Innovation: The Future of Scripps,? include the announcement of the Scripps Innovation Challenge, a campus-wide student contest featuring $20,000 in prizes; the unveiling of a new website for the Scripps College of Communication; and a look at the future of the Scripps College as it prepares to move into the Schoonover Center for Communication and focus on innovation and international reach.
?As a college we are committed to having a vibrant relationship with the communication industry, and our relationship with colleagues from the Scripps Howard family of organizations serves as a cornerstone of that commitment,? Scripps Interim Dean Scott Titsworth said. ?Having professionals from Scripps Howard on campus give our students and faculty an unparalleled opportunity to hear from insiders about critical trends emerging in the field. Likewise, those professionals are able to learn about cutting-edge approaches that we are using in our courses, student organizations, and other activities in the college. Scripps Day is truly a time to celebrate relationships and build for an exciting future.?
During Scripps Day, professionals from the Scripps Howard Foundation and the E.W. Scripps Company will visit classes from each of the five schools, conduct r?sum? reviews for students in the College and participate in an innovation panel during the last session of the day. Scripps Day celebrates the partnership between the College and the Scripps Howard Foundation, a longtime supporter of the college.
?An important focus for this year's Scripps Day is how our Ccllege will evolve to meet the needs of students about to enter the communication profession,? said Titsworth. ?Our new building is clearly an important part of that evolution, but our commitments to innovation and international programming are also critical facets of our future as a college.?
All are welcome to attend afternoon Scripps Day sessions. During ?The Future of the Scripps College of Communication? session, Titsworth will highlight college programming, the new Schoonover Center for Communication and a new website for the College. In the final session, Scripps Visiting Professional Andy Alexander will announce a campus-wide student innovation contest that will culminate in student teams winning up to $20,000 in prize money in March 2013.
?The Scripps Innovation Challenge will provide a vehicle for showcasing the incredible creativity and ingenuity of today's students,? said Alexander, who chairs an innovation committee comprised of both college representatives and representatives from the Scripps Howard Foundation and The E.W. Scripps Company. ?During this period of disruptive change in media, smart companies are looking to students to provide cutting edge solutions to industry needs.?
To learn more about the Scripps College of Communication, please visit www.scrippscollege.ohio.edu. After Oct. 2, the Scripps College site will be found at www.ohio.edu/scrippscollege.
Source: http://www.ohio.edu/compass/stories/12-13/9/seventh-scripps-day-2012.cfm
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It?s no secret that circuit training workouts have skyrocketed in popularity over the last decade. Continuing the trend started by Curves for Women, health clubs nationwide have been helping women lose weight and tone up by offering circuit training exercise and by encouraging them to maintain a healthy diet.
Of the estimated 30,000 health clubs in the United States, approximately one-third feature a circuit training routine as their core workout. The vast majority of these gyms are geared towards women only, often boasting in their advertising that ?men are not allowed?.
But can this exercise equipment work for men, too? Can men, who traditionally shun weight loss diet pills and other gimmicks, benefit from this exercise program as well? The answer to that question depends on your personal goals. Men of all ages have different goals, from burning fat to building huge muscles to developing strength. Most men fall somewhere in between, desiring a combination of the three.
How To Lift Weights (Resistance Train) To Achieve Your Goals:
To help illustrate this point, let?s consider the three different ways to resistance train (lift weights), which correspond directly to your own personal fitness goals.
If your goal is to have lean, toned muscle without a lot of size, then you should be doing high repetitions with a relatively low amount of weight (resistance). You can lift this way all day long and you will not develop huge muscles. This approach to resistance training will accomplish two things: burn fat and tone muscle. That?s it. This is the method of resistance training offered by most circuit training health clubs. Let?s call it the ?Burn & Tone? goal.
If your goal is to increase muscle size, then you should be lifting relatively heavy weights (resistance) about 6-8 times per set. The weight selected should be about 80% of your 1RM (one rep maximum). For example, if the most you could ever bench press once is 100 lbs. (your 1RM), then to gain size you would want to be bench pressing about 80 lbs. 6-8 times per set. Compare this to the training of someone who wants to burn fat and tone muscle; the person who wants to gain muscle size keeps the weight much higher and does fewer repetitions. Let?s call this the ?Pump You Up? goal.
Finally, perhaps your goal is to gain extreme strength. An example of this would be a powerlifter. Resistance training to gain strength would require you to lift as much weight as possible, but only one time (one repetition). Obviously, this method will not burn as much fat. It will also not create gigantic muscles, but it will result in some significant muscle growth. Let?s call this one the ?Freakish Strength? goal.
Can Circuit Training Gym Equipment Help You Achieve Your Goals?
Assuming that you?re like most men, your personal fitness goals are probably to reach your ideal weight by burning some fat, while at the same time gaining some muscle and strength. You don?t need to look like Arnold in the first Predator movie, but then again you definitely don?t want to resemble Pee-Wee Herman either! Will circuit training help you?
To answer this question, it?s important to first examine and understand exactly what circuit training exercise machines will and will not do. Much of the circuit training fitness equipment available today will only help you with your ?Burn & Tone? goal. Why?
First and foremost, the reason why much of the circuit training exercise equipment on the market today will not help you with your ?Pump You Up? or ?Freakish Strength? goals is that these strength machines simply do not provide enough resistance. Many have just one resistance setting, which is usually set too low for you to get anywhere close to 80% of your 1RM (remember, that?s required for real muscle growth).
To accomplish those goals of substantial muscle growth and strength gains in a circuit training environment, it?s necessary to utilize equipment that has more than one resistance setting. In other words, you need to have the ability to increase the resistance (weight) so that you are able to remain close to your 1RM. This becomes even more true as you continue to exercise and become more fit, thus able to lift more and more weight.
Sports scientists actually have a phrase for this, and it?s called the Principle of Progressive Overload.
The ?Principle of Progressive Overload? maintains that once the body has adapted to the stress put upon it, no further progress will be made until 1) resistance is increased or 2) repetitions are increased. In other words, if you start exercising on circuit training equipment that has only one resistance level, you will probably see decent results for a time. However, once your body has adjusted to that level of resistance, and it?s no longer a challenge to you, your progress will come to a screeching halt. You won?t add any additional muscle, or strength, until you add more weight.
This puts a gym without adjustable resistance in the uncomfortable position of having their members ?plateau? once they have mastered the equipment. Depending on their age and prior fitness level, their members soon find that their progress has ceased. Many circuit gyms are unable to adjust their resistance settings, so by definition they cannot promise life-long progress.
For the best results, seek out a fitness center that has adjustable resistance circuit training equipment. By providing many different levels of resistance, they will help you achieve not just the ?Burn & Tone? goal, but also the ?Pump You Up? and ?Freakish Strength? goals. What if your goal is just to ?Burn & Tone?, though? Simple. Just don?t increase the resistance, so if your goal isn?t to increase muscle size then you can simply work out on a strength setting of 1. It?s up to you.
The answer, then, to the question ?Does Circuit Training Fitness Equipment Help Men?s Health Too?? is a resounding YES, assuming that you?re exercising on circuit training equipment that has more than one resistance setting.
Additional Weight Lifting Equipment Is Also Important:
Circuit training is popular because it works. Using the right exercise machines, men will have no problems meeting their health and fitness goals in a circuit training fitness center. However, there is another critical component to consider when seeking a workout routine that?s right for you: free weights.
While it?s true that circuit training is the fat burner you?ve been looking for all these years, and it?s also true that the right circuit training exercise equipment can help you build a significant amount of muscle and strength, it?s important to realize that free weights are especially important for men who want to pack on pounds of serious eye-popping muscle.
Why? For the answer, we need to dissect a weight lifting movement.
Positive vs. Negative:
There are two movements in any resistance training (weight lifting) exercise. These are called the concentric and the eccentric parts of the exercise, also commonly referred to as the ?positive? and ?negative?.
The concentric (positive) part of the resistance training movement is defined as ?Muscle action in which the muscle is shortening under its own power? (Source: Fitness, The Complete Guide; ISSA 2001). Examples would be pushing the bar away from you on a bench press, or lifting the bar towards your chin on a biceps curl.
The eccentric (negative) part of the resistance training movement is defined as ?Muscle action in which the muscle resists while it is forced to lengthen? (Source: Fitness, The Complete Guide; ISSA 2001). Examples would be lowering the bar on a bench press, or lowering the bar away from your chin on a biceps curl.
The point to be made here is that the eccentric part of the resistance training movement is the component that will lead to hyper-extensive muscle growth. When you work out you cause microscopic tears in the muscle, the fibers repair and regenerate and are able to handle future bouts of similar work while experiencing significantly less damage. Eccentric contractions cause greater muscle damage and thus provide the stimulus to make your muscles grow and strengthen. This may be due to eccentric contractions allowing greater force production in addition to less fiber recruitment, which means the fibers are stressed more and more damage occurs.
Circuit training equipment is double-concentric, meaning that it works opposing muscle groups at the same time. There is no eccentric movement. What this means for you as a man is that circuit training exercise equipment will help you burn fat, build muscle and increase strength in about half the time it takes in a ?regular? free weight gym. However, if your goal is to add a massive amount of muscle size, then you will need to incorporate some free weight exercises into your fitness workout.
In other words, while adjustable-resistance circuit training fitness equipment will help you build moderate to serious amounts of muscle, only free weights (with their eccentric movement) can turn you into a 900-pound gorilla. If that?s not your goal, then by all means stick with the circuit training. It?s safe, effective, and proven to get results.
But if you do want to go beyond moderate to serious muscle growth and create a shirt-busting body, then you?ll need free weights. That?s why it?s important to choose a circuit training health club that offers additional weight lifting equipment.
Conclusion: Does Circuit Training Fitness Equipment Help Men?s Health Too?
The short answer? Absolutely.
If your goal is to ?Burn & Tone?, then circuit training is virtually custom made for you. This is what circuit training was designed to do, and it accomplishes that goal better, faster and more efficiently than any other workout.
If you share the ?Pump You Up? goal, where you want to add a moderate to serious amount of muscle to your frame, then circuit training can help you if (and only if) you choose a gym that offers adjustable resistance circuit training equipment.
If your goal is to attain ?Freakish Strength?, then circuit training can help you, too. Again, however, it?s important to find a fitness center that offers adjustable resistance circuit training equipment.
Finally, when looking for a circuit training health club to join, it?s a good idea to find one that also provides a full array of free weights. Whether you?re a regular guy who just wants to augment his workout, or an up-and-coming muscle-head who wants to manufacture a gargantuan body, it?s convenient to have free weights as an option.
Circuit training is popular because it works. Circuit training is quick, efficient, and has made health and fitness dreams come true for thousands of men. Now it?s your turn.
This article is brought to you by Pick Up The Pace For Men, a gym specializing in weight loss exercise, healthy diet products, great fitness workouts and overall men?s health. Please visit pickupthepaceformendotcom/ for more information.
Source: http://www.freeblogshare.com/does-circuit-training-fitness-equipment-help-mens-health-too
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by Richard Moore on September 27, 2012
The thought of improving your credit score can be genuinely intimidating for some individuals that may not know as much about credit status as they might like. Some of you would know how influential credit report standing are because it can identify if someone will be approved for a loan or not. By studying this report, you can learn some info that may help you.
1) An important tip to consider when working to repair your credit is that you should organise yourself. This is important because if you are serious about fixing your credit, it is very important that you establish goals and lay out how you are going to realize these explicit goals.
2) Contact your creditors. You must do this so that you can make payment arrangements with them or work out a contract with them. This way it?s easy to get your debts looked after or paid off. You?ll also let your lender know you are endeavoring to handle your debt with them.
3) If you pay your credit card bills in full you?ll find that your credit is fixed quickly. It lets the credit card corporations know that you?re a trusty borrower and that it?s safe to grant you a higher credit limit if you want to have one, leading to a better credit history again. Avoid taking up more personal loan as that mean extra cash would have to be put aside which would otherwise permit you to pay your credit card bills.
4) Be really careful when getting a credit correction organisation. The majority of these affiliations act ruthlessly, and some even unlawfully. If a company tells you they can repair your credit in a surprisingly brief time period, it is not right. Check the company out with the Better Business Bureau before paying any fees to the agency.
You do not need to worry if you are not utterly familiar with the way credit works or if you?re undecided how you can repair your credit. Hopefully you probably did learn the things which you must do and correct any habits, with a bit of help from this tract.
Richard Moore is a retired banker that was situated in Singapore. He contribute articles associated with personal finance like things to watch out for when getting quck cash / quick loan. Richard a consultant to local firms like Goldstar Credit Pte Ltd
Tagged as: credit fix, Finance Credit, personal loan
Source: http://www.financecourses.co/finance-credit/you-can-fix-your-credit-with-these-tips
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written by John Chow on September 27, 2012
A couple of days ago, I wrote about Matt Lloyd?s IM Revolution Handbook. It details a revolutionary new Internet marketing business model that can make you up to $10,000 per month. That?s a pretty bold claim, so I decided to test it out for myself.
I started doing the process in the IM Revolution on the day I wrote the first blog post about it (Tuesday, Sept. 25). The video below shows my results. Can you make $10,000 a month with the IM Revolution? Watch the video to find out. Keep in mind that this is myself only, and doesn?t represent what you might be able to get. You might make more, or you might make less, but I believe you will get some nice benefits from it.
The IM Revolution Handbook is available for download until midnight (EST) Thursday September 27 (that?s today). After then, you may not see it again. Go get your copy now.
Download The IM Revolution Handbook
*Update ? $3,628.40 in 3 Days!
There?s a still seven hours left in day three, but I figure I?ll post an update since I?m killing it!
Stay up to date with all of John Chow?s tips for making money online and blog posts by subscribing via email. Your email will be kept private and never shared with anyone.
Source: http://www.johnchow.com/my-results-with-the-im-revolution/
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Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/cnbc/49202392/
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With a compelling back story that includes playing tight end in the MAC and walking on at Wisconsin and borrowing money from his parents and delivering pizza to help pay tuition, Texans defensive end J.J. Watt was blazing trails long before coming to the NFL.
Now, he wants to change the way 3-4 defensive ends are perceived.
?I?m trying to break the mold,? Watt recently said, via Paul Kuharsky of ESPN.com.? ?A lot of people keep telling me that, that we?re not allowed to make plays or we?re not supposed to make plays.? One of the things is that Coach Phillips puts me in great position to have success, he gives me great opportunities.? And I think another thing is just having the belief, and not buying into this thing where you can?t make plays.?
Ordinarily, 3-4 defensive ends are responsible for tying up offensive linemen, so that the linebackers can get to the man with the football.? Former Steelers defensive end Aaron Smith was among the best to ever fulfill that role, even though it meant toiling in relative anonymity.
There?s nothing anonymous about Watt.
?I mean, I don?t know why people say that you can?t make plays,? Watt said.? ?If you bust your tail and you?re rushing the passer, you?re going to get a sack. If you?re chasing down a runner from the back side and you beat your blocker, you?re going to get a [tackle for loss].? I don?t see why you have to be a block-eater.?
Defensive coordinator Wade Phillips says that great talent can overcome the pigeonhole tendencies of defensive line play in his alignment of choice.
?That?s why we don?t play a conventional 3-4,? Phillips said.? ?In the Phillips? 3-4, my dad?s 3-4, he said, ?Elvin Bethea isn?t going to play two-gap, he can stunt, he can move, let?s get him on the move where he can make plays, because he?s a great player.?? You do what your players can do, you can utilize that kind of personnel in our defense.?
The Texans have that kind of personnel, and they?re utilizing it.
And Watt isn?t just breaking the mold, he?s smashing it ?presumably with that Iron Mike Sharpe-looking contraption that Watt is wearing to protect an elbow that was dislocated during camp.
Source: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/09/28/kellen-winslow-asked-to-be-released-but-why/related/
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Wanna learn more about new online marketing strategies? Good luck! The thing that gets most people is that the most informative blogs are also the ones that put out a mass number of posts per day, which is hard to keep up with. This is why I want to share with you some great blogs as a whole, as well as blogs that offer category-specific RSS feeds. This way, you can subscribe to only the topics you are interested in.
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Ugh, I know, yet another Twitter icon. Still, I had to do it. Go Subscribe to some stuff already.
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Oh, and if you?re crazy enough to want all 75 of these in your Google Reader subscribe to the whole kit and kaboodle bundle, fatty!
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Unfortunately, I couldn?t list all the top blogs out there (otherwise this post would never get published), so please don?t be offended if I left off your blog or one of your favorites. Just mention them in the comments instead!
? Kristi Hines
Source: http://unbounce.com/online-marketing/epic-marketing-blogs/
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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/factbox-check-hospital-check-110417294.html
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In this Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012 photo, in this photo taken on Wednesday, Sept, 26, 2012, An Egyptian man rides a motorbike passes a historical mosques in Khan Al-Khalili area in Cairo, Egypt. The Egyptian demonstrations against an online film that was produced by a U.S. citizen originally from Egypt and denigrates the Prophet Muhammad were part of a wider explosion of anger in Muslim countries. They happened near the U.S. Embassy, far from the pyramids of Giza on Cairo's outskirts, and a lot further from gated Red Sea resorts, cocoons for the beach-bound vacationer. Yet the online or TV images _ flames, barricades, whooping demonstrators _ are a killjoy for anyone planning a getaway, even though the protests have largely subsided. Tour guides in Egypt say tourist bookings are mostly holding, but they worry about a dropoff early next year, since people tend to plan several months ahead.(AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)
In this Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012 photo, in this photo taken on Wednesday, Sept, 26, 2012, An Egyptian man rides a motorbike passes a historical mosques in Khan Al-Khalili area in Cairo, Egypt. The Egyptian demonstrations against an online film that was produced by a U.S. citizen originally from Egypt and denigrates the Prophet Muhammad were part of a wider explosion of anger in Muslim countries. They happened near the U.S. Embassy, far from the pyramids of Giza on Cairo's outskirts, and a lot further from gated Red Sea resorts, cocoons for the beach-bound vacationer. Yet the online or TV images _ flames, barricades, whooping demonstrators _ are a killjoy for anyone planning a getaway, even though the protests have largely subsided. Tour guides in Egypt say tourist bookings are mostly holding, but they worry about a dropoff early next year, since people tend to plan several months ahead.(AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)
In this Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012 photo, tour guides wait for clients next to the Giza pyramids, near Cairo, Egypt. The Egyptian demonstrations against an online film that was produced by a U.S. citizen originally from Egypt and denigrates the Prophet Muhammad were part of a wider explosion of anger in Muslim countries. They happened near the U.S. Embassy, far from the pyramids of Giza on Cairo's outskirts, and a lot further from gated Red Sea resorts, cocoons for the beach-bound vacationer. Yet the online or TV images _ flames, barricades, whooping demonstrators _ are a killjoy for anyone planning a getaway, even though the protests have largely subsided. Tour guides in Egypt say tourist bookings are mostly holding, but they worry about a dropoff early next year, since people tend to plan several months ahead.(AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)
In this Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012 photo, a tour guide sits on his camel as he waits for clients next to the Giza pyramids, near Cairo, Egypt. The Egyptian demonstrations against an online film that was produced by a U.S. citizen originally from Egypt and denigrates the Prophet Muhammad were part of a wider explosion of anger in Muslim countries. They happened near the U.S. Embassy, far from the pyramids of Giza on Cairo's outskirts, and a lot further from gated Red Sea resorts, cocoons for the beach-bound vacationer. Yet the online or TV images _ flames, barricades, whooping demonstrators _ are a killjoy for anyone planning a getaway, even though the protests have largely subsided. Tour guides in Egypt say tourist bookings are mostly holding, but they worry about a dropoff early next year, since people tend to plan several months ahead.(AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)
In this Photo taken on Sept, 26, 2012, an Egyptian policeman sits guard in Khan Al-Khalili area in Cairo, Egypt. The Egyptian demonstrations against an online film that was produced by a U.S. citizen originally from Egypt and denigrates the Prophet Muhammad were part of a wider explosion of anger in Muslim countries. They happened near the U.S. Embassy, far from the pyramids of Giza on Cairo's outskirts, and a lot further from gated Red Sea resorts, cocoons for the beach-bound vacationer. Yet the online or TV images _ flames, barricades, whooping demonstrators _ are a killjoy for anyone planning a getaway, even though the protests have largely subsided. Tour guides in Egypt say tourist bookings are mostly holding, but they worry about a dropoff early next year, since people tend to plan several months ahead.(AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)
In this Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012 photo, foreign tourists visit the historical site of the Giza Pyramids, near Cairo, Egypt. The Egyptian demonstrations against an online film that was produced by a U.S. citizen originally from Egypt and denigrates the Prophet Muhammad were part of a wider explosion of anger in Muslim countries. They happened near the U.S. Embassy, far from the pyramids of Giza on Cairo's outskirts, and a lot further from gated Red Sea resorts, cocoons for the beach-bound vacationer. Yet the online or TV images _ flames, barricades, whooping demonstrators _ are a killjoy for anyone planning a getaway, even though the protests have largely subsided. Tour guides in Egypt say tourist bookings are mostly holding, but they worry about a dropoff early next year, since people tend to plan several months ahead.(AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)
CAIRO (AP) ? One of the world's largest cruise ships, its foreign passengers primed for onshore spending, was supposed to dock in Egypt this month. The port call, however, was scrapped because of security concerns surrounding Mideast protests against a film made in the U.S. that denounces Islam's holiest figure.
Once again, Egyptian tourism, an engine of the national economy and a flagship of the regional industry, has taken a hit. It was another setback for a business that had plummeted in parts of the Middle East and North Africa last year during the uprisings known as the Arab Spring, then moved toward recovery this year.
"Small things become like mountains," Essam Zeid, an Egyptian tour guide, said of the fallout from unrest in Egypt since authoritarian President Hosni Mubarak was ousted in February 2011. But he also offered a (somewhat) positive metaphor: "We always say that Egypt gets sick but never dies. Recovery is always an option."
Egypt and other Arab nations undergoing turmoil rely heavily on the labor-intensive trade and see it as key to economic growth and social stability.
Tourism directly contributes a big chunk of gross domestic product to some of the countries that suffered economic fallout from last year's tumult, which came not long after the global financial crisis. Egypt, for example, generates 6.7 percent of GDP from travel and tourism and Tunisia is around the same level with 6.6 percent, with benefits to related businesses pushing the figures even higher, according to the London-based World Tourism and Travel Council. It is among industry groups that will assess the impact from the latest upheaval, though it is too early for a comprehensive estimate of losses.
In the multi-layered Middle East, a setback for tourism in one area can mean a windfall in another. During the Arab Spring, tourists, many of them Arabs, turned away from countries in crisis and traveled to more stable places like Qatar, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, said Sana Toukan, Middle East research manager for Euromonitor International, a market research group. The UAE also drew more Chinese visitors, according to Toukan.
The latest downturn followed demonstrations in Egypt against an online film that was produced by a U.S. citizen originally from Egypt and denigrates the Prophet Muhammad. They were part of a wider explosion of anger in Muslim countries. The unrest hit near the U.S. Embassy, far from the pyramids of Giza on Cairo's outskirts, and even farther from gated Red Sea resorts, cocoons for the beach-bound vacationer.
Yet the online or TV images of flames, barricades and whooping demonstrators were a killjoy for anyone planning a getaway, even though the protests have subsided in many places. Tour guides in Egypt say tourist bookings are mostly holding, but they worry about a drop-off early next year as people tend to plan several months ahead.
Tharwat Agami, head of the chamber of tourist agencies in Luxor, home to the Valley of the Kings tombs in southern Egypt, reported up to one-quarter of tourist cancellations through October. His own company guided 17 American tourists last week, half of the group's expected number.
Royal Caribbean International took no chances. One of its vessels, Mariner of the Seas, can carry more than 3,000 passengers. It left Italy, on Sept. 15 ? with regional tension still boiling over the film ? and was to call at Alexandria on the northern Egypt Mediterranean coast three days later.
The company canceled the layover "in an abundance of caution," said Cynthia Martinez, director of global corporate communications at Miami-based Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.
"Royal Caribbean International continues to closely monitor the situation in Egypt," Martinez wrote in an email Tuesday to The Associated Press. "At this time, Royal Caribbean has not changed the itinerary of any upcoming sailing that includes a port call to Egypt."
Cruise ships also stayed away during the turmoil that led to Mubarak's downfall. Usually, passengers board buses for a day's outing to Cairo, where the pyramids, the medieval citadel, the mummies of the Egyptian Museum and other treasures await. It's a windfall for guides, ticket vendors and souvenir shops.
Egyptian tourism revenues fell 30 percent to $9 billion in 2011, but the industry proved as resilient as it is vulnerable. It survived the killing of 62 people, mostly foreign tourists, by Islamic militants in a 1997 attack at Luxor that seemed aimed at weakening the government by stopping the flow of tourism revenue. The Sept. 11, 2001 attacks by al-Qaida pummeled tourism, as did 2005 bombings in Egypt's Red Sea resort of Sharm-el-Sheikh.
Fueled partly by oil income, Mideast tourism is more diverse and reliant on regional customers. Expatriates and tourists splurge in the glitzy city-state of Dubai in the Persian Gulf; religious tourism is big at Islamic sites in Saudi Arabia; Oman and Jordan are angling for a piece of the medical tourism market. The popular uprisings did not affect Turkey but diverted tourist traffic to the country, now rated sixth in the world in international tourist arrivals.
Tourism prospects are a moot point in Syria, which is embroiled in a civil war, and in still-chaotic Libya, where militias roam. The U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were killed on Sept. 11 in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi in an attack on the American consulate there.
In Tunisia, violence and looting around the U.S. Embassy during a protest against the anti-Islam film did no favors for a tourism campaign that had been titled, "All Dreams are Possible."
"It's not one picture when you look at the Middle East," said Sandra Carvao, Madrid-based communications coordinator at the World Tourism Organization, a U.N. agency. "It's a region that has suffered and has proven to bounce back in the past."
Indeed, the agency had deemed the Middle East to be the fastest growing tourism market in the world over the past decade, despite the Iraq war, the 2006 conflict between Israel and Lebanon's Hezbollah and other violence. While some Gulf airlines have gone bankrupt, Carvao compared the expansion of Emirates and Etihad Airways to the rate of growth of Asia's aviation leaders.
Amid upheaval and political transition in 2011, according to the agency, international tourist arrivals in the Middle East dropped seven percent to 55.7 million, and in North Africa by nine percent to 17 million. So far this year, the numbers have climbed by nearly one percent and 10.5 percent, respectively.
Gladys Haddad, a tour guide in Cairo, said she was pleased that Egypt's new president, Mohammed Morsi, appealed to Italians to visit Egypt when he was in Rome at the height of tension over the anti-Islam film. She said early concerns that Egypt's Islamist-dominated government might scare off tourists by banning alcohol or mixed beaches have waned, at least for now.
"I don't think they're going to have like a magic stick to do things right away" to improve tourism, Zeid, the guide who is quick with a metaphor, said of Egypt's fledgling government. "We can't really evaluate their work right now. They have lots of other issues on their agenda."
One thing in their favor, immeasurably, is what lies in Egyptian sands. In its bid to revive tourism, the government this month reopened the Serapeum of Saqqara, a subterranean necropolis where bulls were believed to have been buried in giant sarcophagi. The site was closed for a decade for renovation.
One tourist who marveled at Egypt's heritage was Herodotus, the ancient Greek who wrote about Egyptian beliefs and customs, based on what he said he had observed.
According to a 19th century translation by a British scholar, he wrote: "Concerning Egypt itself, I shall extend my remarks to a great length, because there is no country that possesses so many wonders, nor any that has such a number of works which defy description."
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A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article about three jobs that my husband HAS to do in our marriage. While these jobs may seem small, ?he is required to do them in rain, sleet, snow, natural disaster and quite possibly even when the world ia ending. While none of the jobs are ?serious,? they help make my life easier. ?And for that, I appreciate that he does them without much complaining. The only problem was that after I wrote that article, I was constantly being asked what my job as a wife was. Now of course, my job as his wife is to love him, support him and help be his ?backbone.? ? But in marriage, there are other ?jobs? that I have that go without discussion.
After weeks of considering my job in our marriage, I?m ready to let everyone know my ?unspoken?jobs in our marriage?the good, bad and ugly:
There you go ladies and gentlemen?4 jobs that I as a wife has to do?can you relate?
BMWK ? In the end, there are jobs that I don?t do as a wife and there are jobs that my husband doesn?t do as a husband? ?But we?ve made it work for our marriage. ?Do you have specific jobs that you will not/refuse to ?do as ?wife? What about your husband? ?How have you made that work for your family?
Franchesca Warren is writer, author, blogger, educator, runner, entrepreneur, mother and overall BossyGirl. She?s currently working on her second book detailing her chronicles of working in two of the roughest urban school districts with a release date of August 2012. You can find her full-time on her blog chronicling her life trying to balance it all and run a marathon by the end of the year. In her spare time she runs her own editing company, The Editing Nerd, and working on the launch of her first magazine. For a daily account of the good, bad and ugly of being a BossyGirl follow her on Twitter!
?Source: http://blackandmarriedwithkids.com/2012/09/when-i-want-to-be-superwoman-4-jobs-i-must-do-as-a-wife/
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If my friend asked me to drive her to work in her car and while backing up I hit my own car, how and which insurance will have to respond? Will insurance respond for both cars?
Well, that?s a pickle! This is how it works when it comes to claims for damage to cars when driving someone else?s car:
The Role of Your Car Insurance
However, if she had no collision coverage of her own and you had collision coverage, you could make a collision claim on her behalf under your own policy. When you have collision coverage, your policy covers you for collision in any car you drive that does not have its own collision policy. The insurance company will pay the claim, less the deductible, and put you down as the at-fault party.
The Role of Your Friend?s Insurance
You cannot make a claim for your car?s damage through her policy on your own because you can go after yourself for the damage you caused. You can?t make a collision claim against for your damage on her policy because you were driving her car, not yours.
The Roles of Other Insurance Policies
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